Saturday, January 4, 2020

MONSTER 25th Anniversary

  I haven't posted on the 25th reissues in the past, but I find that this album is so utterly connected to my soul that I'm having a lot of thoughts and feelings. In short, the release has made me realize that MONSTER is probably my favorite R.E.M. album. I wish I could explain it. Do I think it's their best? No, I'm firmly in the FABLES camp there. However, this is the album I return to most and am constantly impressed by. There's always something new to find. The album is so layered that I want another album of different remixes from each member of the band. In listening to their interviews it sounds like they're all revisiting the album and are surprised at how well it holds up--it's a treasure trove of everything that the band is. The character work here is the best of Michael's career and as a lyricist he somehow mixes the familiar with the arcane. It's a real high wire act. The bass lines are goddamn perfect, the beats are haunting (even KING OF COMEDY, which, seriously is a fine song and I'm a fan), the guitar is perhaps the trickiest in my experience because it's so out there and there are some brilliant moments. The fact that the wall of sound approach holds the album together thematically and sonically is HUGE.

The Book.

  First, the book that comes with it. There are lyrics. They are not all accurate. Michael is still revising in places and in others I don't think he knows what he's saying. It's frustrating in many ways when the printed lyrics don't match what's recorded. However, as a writer I know it's completely fine to re-write and honestly, have at it! But, still. Also, the blue coloring is chilling. From the press releases I was shook. Like, physically almost crying.

1st Disc.

  It's the remastered original. There is nothing different except for clarity in parts. You can hear some harmonies clearer and it is truly amazing. I love it. Gave the album a digital bath and it was so very necessary with this one!

2nd Disc.

  The Demos. It is absolutely SHOCKING that these are all instrumentals unused (barring REVOLUTION which sounds so good), but they do start to blur together. Can you imagine Michael popping this into his car or headphones and trying to get inspired to write? This is assault! They ended up scrapping everything and playing live (which lasted through the tour to produce NAIHF) resulting in the album. But here we have two very early versions of songs that surface over a decade later. FINAL STRAW (not one of my favorites) and UNTIL THE DAY IS DONE are so lovely to hear. I have a couple of these tunes in my head (at least until I saw 'Uncut Gems' and now I will never hear anything but that synth score) and wouldn't it be fun to hand these over to Michael to finish for a new old album? Maybe Mike should make these his first solo album.

3rd Disc.

  The remixes. I love these. They give something to each song and it's lovely to hear the vocals out front. I listened to the R U TALKING podcast where they vote for their favorite version and honestly, I like all the originals over the remixes. It's unfair to Scott Litt, but in order to boost the lyrics you get dead air and I hate it. Also, the album sounds more like the disconnected OUT OF TIME or NAIHF than MONSTER. MONSTER is MONSTER. It fits together like a fucking puzzle.

4th and 5th Disc.

  The live show is so clear. I have my own copy of an old show I personally taped which has a great story about being all college dropouts with something I still quote 'which isn't cool--although I think it's pretty cool.' It's such a thrill to hear MAN ON THE MOON as a non-closer, plus rare live songs like YOU and CIRCUS ENVY. It's a treat from beginning to end.

  Overall this one is an A++++++! It's actually the only 25th Anniversary package I am excited to own and revisit. The team at Craft are frigging geniuses and of course the band is spot on with this one.


  1. I just wanted to thank you for your work. It is a treasure for me. I often come back and revisit both your texts and tabs. Really appreciate it.

  2. Don't know if this blog is still checked by the creator, but I stumbled upon it recently & it's been an awesome resource as I dive into R.E.M.

    I was always a casual fan but a comedian I love put out an R.E.M.-centric podcast (shoutout r u talking rem re me) & I've been obsessed ever since. Love reading these song entries as I work though the band's discography.

  3. Hi there! I just want to say your blog and dedication has been invaluable. I make independant karaoke tracks for folks to sing on YouTube. I just published my 100th R.E.M. karaoke tracks and your corrected lyrics have been amazingly helpful with those hard to hear parts. Thank you so much!
